Wednesday, May 12, 2010

North Bay Dairy Women 2010 Cookbook

North Bay Dairy Women are putting together a 2010 Cookbook. All members and past & current Dairy Princesses should have received a letter with instructions on how to submit recipes, either in writing or on the internet.

Here is the link to the online recipe login page:

login is: dairy women
password is: nbdwcooks
After you login, click the "add recipe" icon on the left side.
Enter as many recipes as you like.
If you have trouble or questions, you can email us and we will be happy to help.
Happy Cooking!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Cloverdale Ag Day

On Friday, May 7 NBDW worker ladies went to
Cloverdale Ag Day.
Joyce Leveroni, Audrey Wheeler, Dairy Princess Emilie Strand,
1st Alt. Dairy Princess Regina Camozzi & Holly Camozzi all
ready to greet students with the Dairy Trivia Game.
Dairy Princesses Emilie & Regina greet a group of students.
Students are asked various trivia questions related to dairy and nutrition;
prizes included cow banks, pencils & coloring books in "Real California Milk" bags.

Regina & Emilie greet "Clo".

June "Dairy Baby"

Each year North Bay Dairy Women award a gift basket stuffed full of dairy products, dairy related gifts & baby items to the first baby born in June at Petaluma Valley Hospital.
Cindy Bordessa is coordinating the job and will assist Dairy Princess Emilie Strand in presenting the gift to the new baby & his or her parents. Also, a basket will be given to the nurses at the hospital for their help in making this a fun event.
If you have an item(s) you would like to donate to the June "Dairy Baby" basket, it may be dropped off at John's Dairy Supply through Saturday, May 29. If you have a question, give Cindy a call at (707)792-2222.
Watch for a post with the exciting news on the "Dairy Baby" arrival after June 1!

2010 Installation of Officers & Board

At our March meeting at Cattlemen's in Petaluma, the 2010-11 Officers & Board were installed.
Handling the installation duties was Mary Zimmerman. Mary has served for several years as a board member and active NBDW worker. She has retired from the board and was kind enough to conduct installation for us.
New Officers are:
President Audrey Wheeler, 1st Vice President Judy Buttke, Second Vice President Monique Moretti, Recording Secretary Susan Bianchi, Treasurer Sue McIsaac, Corresponding Secretary Cindy Bordessa; Board Members are Annette Grossi, Kim Jones, Lorrie Kidder, Arlene McClure, Cathy Nommsen and NEW Board member Christine Neles.
Also serving in other jobs are: Marie Baranzini as Sunshine and Ellen Durrer as Notification Secretary. Cathy Nommsen will be working on the Scrap Book and Annette Grossi & Megan Herman on the Newsletter.
Again, thank you Mary for your service to our board; and to all those on the board & support jobs. Many hands make light work and we have many of those hands willing to offer their help.

Sonoma County Ag Days

1st Alt. Dairy Princess Mandy Brazil & Audrey Wheeler pass out milk at the
Sonoma County Ag Days evening reception.
Dairy Women served 650 half pints of chocolate & 2% milk.
Susan & George Bianchi donated about one third of the cost of the milk served at the reception.
Also served during the 2 days of student visits were 85 gallons of 2% milk...
that's a lot of cups ladies! Thank you for all the great help.
About 15 gallons of milk that was leftover was donated to The Kitchen in Petaluma.
2nd Alt. Dairy Princess Lianne Nunes & 1st Alt. Dairy Princess Mandy Brazil
join Annette Grossi, Danika & Leslie Corp & Cindy Bordessa at the milk booth.

Susan Bianchi, Audrey Wheeler and
1st Alt. Dairy Princess Mandy Brazil offer students a cold cup of milk.